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Charlotte Marck
Composer & player (organ, harpsichord and clavichord)

Photo: ©lamduchien

    Born in 1983, Charlotte Marck studied harpsichord, thorough-bass, composition, organ, improvisation and clavichord.

    At the age of 16, she entered the “Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et Danse de Paris” (CNSMDP), where she received six First Prizes (in harmony, counterpoint, fugue and forms, 20th century’s composition, orchestration and analysis) and, at the age of 20, the Master of musical writing with very high distinction - "Diplôme de Formation Supérieure en Ecriture” -. Her teachers were: J-C. Raynaud, T. Escaich, E. Lejet, M. Lévinas.  

          She received, at the age of 16, two First Prizes for harpsichord and thorough-bass, after studying in Strasbourg with A. Zylberajch and M. Gester. 

    In organ, after receiving a First Prize with unanimity in 2007 with F. Dornier in Paris, she studied with M. Bouvard in Toulouse, then she moved to Amsterdam (NL) to study with  P. v. Dijk in the Conservatorium (CvA), where she received the Organ Master Diploma in June 2010.

     In addition, she continued her study in the Hochschule of Hamburg (Germany), in the new Master’s programme "Claviorganum" which gathers the study of organ, harpsichord and clavichord on the same level. Her teachers were W. Zerer, P. v. Dijk et M. v. Delft and she received the master diploma in July 2012 with the highest results.

    She was a Prize winner of the “Musical Festival of Autumn in Paris for the Young Interpreters” in harpsichord (2003). In organ, she received the Flentrop Prize (Second Prize) during the International Organ Competition "Grand Prix d'Echo" in 2011 in Alkmaar (NL) and the Second Prize during the ompetiiton “Paul Hofhaimer“ in 2013 in Innsbruck (Autria), after being finalist during several International Competitions, like “ Duruflé-Litaize” - Paris 2006 -  Gottfried Silbermann’s - Freiberg (Saxony) 2009  - .


    In 2013, she received the title of “Young ECHO Organist of the Year”.  

    Since 2005, she regularly received Prizes during International Composition Competitions, in France or abroad (SACEM, M. et R. De Lacour’s Foundation - 2006, 2007 and 2013 -, Kampen -2009, Alkmaar - First Prize in 2011 - ). 

    Charlotte Marck is a Prize winner of the Bleustein-Blanchet’s foundation in France (2008), and received a study grant from Hermann et Milena Ebel’s foundation in Hamburg (2011).

    Her performances are varied : as a soloist and in ensemble or orchestras (solo/opera), she likes playing all repertoires, from Renaissance period to modern music. She performed  F. Poulenc's Concert Champêtre, conducted by François-Xavier Roth in 2003.

        She was invited to play as the guest at the Festivals " L'Orgue en Fête " of Villeneuve sur Yonne, " Bach en Combrailles " and Chartres’ cathedral in France, " Reincken Festival " in Deventer, St-Laurence church in Alkmaar, Osterkerk, Nieuwekerk, and Orgelpark - concert around her own pieces for organ, harpsichord and ensemble - in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Hollern and Stade - Schnitger organs - in Germany, “Innsbrucker Festwochen” - in Austria.

    Since 2005, she performed with her Ensemble Les Ondes, now specialized on North-Europa repertoire, from the XVth to XVIIIth century, with an opening to today’s music. This chamber music ensemble is centered around three keyboard instruments: the organ, the harpsichord and the clavichord.

     Since September 2016, Charlotte Marck is harpsichord and thorough-bass teacher (full-time) at Nice’s conservatoire.